I sometimes think about how one day of course I'll be talking about my mission with other people. I also have the chance to talk to some missionaries in this mission that had to serve stateside for a while because of visa problems and having to wait for it all to go through. I then start realizing how blessed I am to come to this mission.
One, I really can talk about those physical sacrificing things. The hot sun, the crazy rain, shortly followed by the hot sun, the miles and miles of walking. Etc. etc. That just makes a mission sound cooler and more of a sacrifice to God (at least in my opinion).
Then I can talk about the natural disasters (mostly huge rain storms) that have happened in my mission while I've been here. I mourn for those that have suffered and those that are, but that is a point of my mission that does make it kinda point out a bit.
Then there are the favellas. I have seen things I never have thought I would see in my life, its great. During my mission there was war inside of my mission. And I want to say war. One of the favelas, Morro do Alemão, started burning buses and cars and motorbikes in Rio (others did too, but this was the principal) and so the police started fighting back. The fight got bigger. So there came in the Rio police, Federal Police, BOPE (an elite police group of Rio that is like the marines), and the military. Brasil sent more then 8,000 men for the fight. The drug traffickers had a bunch as well. There were holicopters shot out of the sky and all of that.
Quick note, I was never in that area and even the missionaries that were there were taken out and not a single missionary in this mission has died. We are very protected. Even missionaries that break rules and are idiots don't die. God has his hand over this mission.
My mission is also awesome because of things that have happened while I got here. When my mission president first got to the mission (one year before me) this mission was something like the 26th lowest baptizing mission of Brasil out of 28 missions. Last year in total we were 2nd and we have months were we baptize the most. I have seen the formation of new stakes. The mission baptized 40 in a month, now we have had a week we baptized 100 and months this last month there were 328 baptisms. While I was in a Mission District I saw more than 25 men be ordained to the Melkezedik preisthood in 3 to 4 months. And many many more things. I have seen miracles, and participated in them.
I also am in a city that is shortly to be in world view constantly more. The world cup comes here 2014 and the olympics either 2016 or 2018.
I love my mission!
I just wanted to brag a bit . . . hehe, I'm kinda prideful I think its ok overall though
Have a good week everyone!
- Elder Eyring
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